Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drive By Blogging

Travel gives one a chance to listen to the radio. A few things that caught my attention are:
Is there no shame? Once again, a death has been politicized by people without conscience. Dana Reeve, the widow of Christopher Reeve, died a couple of days ago. Politicians used this opportunity to plug embryonic stem cell research, and bashing the Bush administration for not supporting the research. Where will the grandstanding end, and respect for the deceased begin?
The proponents of embryonic stem cell research only show one side of the research. What is not brought out in all of the press releases is that this line of research shows the least amount of promise. What has shown the most progress is research using bone marrow stem cells and umbilical cord stem cells. Both of these avoid the ethical problems of growing human embryos for this research. Why? What I think is going on is that if embryonic stem cell research is found to not be viable, then the abortion rights activists have one less argument for the "procedure."
There is a great political division in this country. Red State or Blue State. Looney Left or Radical Right. Conservative or Liberal. Democrat or Republican. It seems that we are in the extreme where there is no middle ground. It seems that it will not stop any time soon, especially with the prodding of the media. How they love conflict since it brings headlines and rating points.
There is some hope for the youth of America. Saw that there is a student in Michigan proposing that a day, March 26, be set aside to honor our soldiers. Didn't catch the name, but it sounds good.
Sounds like the port deal is dead. Probably just as well.
Tennessee appears to be following South Dakota's lead on restricting or banning abortions, although slower.
Three college students have been arrested for the arson of those churches in Alabama. Thought it would be a great prank...idiots.
Finally, does anyone else think that the Oscars are basically a bunch of back-slapping Hollywood elites? Here's a link to a Ben Stein article that really puts things in perspective.


The Conservative UAW Guy said...

I don't even bother with the oscars anymore.

God bless Ben Stein.

Anne said...

Stein is right and says it well, as usual, that foolish and petty boasting in Hollywood will never be confused by the rest of us Americans with the real courage of our soldiers and their families.

Mike's America said...

We've gone beyond a red state/blue state divide. Some of the red staters might as well be on another planet altogether. And the oxygen supply is running low.

P.S. Another great Ben Stein column. Thanks for sharing it.

Jeanne said...

"There is a great political division in this country. Red State or Blue State. Looney Left or Radical Right. Conservative or Liberal. Democrat or Republican. It seems that we are in the extreme where there is no middle ground."

I consider myself somewhere in the middle and it can be very lonely.

Interesting blog, I'll be coming back.

Tom said...

jeanne - you are in the common sense minority. Welcome!