Saturday, March 18, 2006

Mystery Solved in Time for 75th Post!!

Yes, this is the 75th post for Tom's Common Sense. Who would have thunk it?

OK, folks, I think I know what happened to the posts. When you have a double-carriage return, Blogger puts in a paragraph command (HTML <p> and </p>) or two line breaks (HTML </br>). Their system must have stripped (oh!) those out.

That's the good news. The bad news is that I have 74 posts to correct...



Gaius Arbo said...

Two words, Tom, me lad:

Blue Host

After I fianally got the DNS propagation thing solved, it has been behaving very well. I did a one button backup of all my posts. Took no time at all and I have it on the host AND on a disk on the local machine.....And all for $6.95/ month with one touch Word Press installation......

I wonder if they'll pay me for shilling for them..... Hmmmmmm......

Ivan Dunn said...

This is a great post thanks